Our current initiatives do make a difference.

Make it stand out.

  • Ocean Enjoyment

    Located at Southlands Park, The Escape from Devils Isle is only a short walk from Bermuda’s beautiful South Shore. The estate has its own beach with easy access just a short distance from the parking area and main entrance.

    Southlands Park sits in the middle of the South shore between Horseshoe Bay and Elbow Beach. However you choose to travel to get here, it’s just minutes away.

    Please be mindful of your litter and collect all of your belongings to help keep Bermuda’s waters blue and our parks green for all future visitors.

  • Carbon Neutral

    With any major project, one comes to suspect that carbon emissions are a given. As an Eco-Friendly adventure, the only carbons expelled here are from each of us as humans as we exhale.

    Admittedly we can expect many short bursts of excitement from our patrons to serve as the only emissions platform.

    Given the oxygen making qualities of the green forest around us at Southlands Park, Escape from Devils Isle will not have any adverse effect on Bermuda’s carbon footprint.

    We invite every guest to scream and yell excitedly as you enjoy the course!

  • Sustaining Local Communities

    Having a major attraction right in the middle of Warwick’s South Shore is going to help sustain other local businesses that often get bypassed and overlooked.

    With two nearby restaurants and a gas station convenience store with a take out counter located just a few minutes walk from Southlands Park, you are able to enjoy a sit down meal or take out for a trip to any of the nearby parks or beaches.

    Nearby hotels will have an extra added attraction for their guests, which provide additional revenue for both Taxi’s and Mini Buses.

  • Responsible Land Use

    The selection of Southlands Park for the Eco-Friendly Escape from Devils Isle Canopy Zip Line, Tree Frogs Adventure, along with the Bermuda Triangle Challenge Course was a great way to help ensure the park’s exposure to all of the island’s residents and our many international visitors.

    Working in conjunction with the Department of Parks and utilizing just under a full acre of combined land, we are promoting nature and assisting with preserving Southlands’ heritage.